The Journey of Tea

What is Tea Pesticide Residue?

What is Tea Pesticide Residue?
Hello everyone:

I am tea enthusiast, Andy.

Pesticide residue in tea can be said to be the most important aspect of food safety in tea.
Today, I want to share with you some interesting facts about pesticide residue.

-What is pesticide residue in tea?
Pesticide residue refers to the pesticides that remain in food.

-Why is pesticide used in tea?
Just as humans need medicine when they are sick, tea plants also require medication when they are diseased.

-Who sets the standards for pesticide residues in tea?
The regulations for pesticide residue in tea in different countries can be considered the biggest trade barrier for tea exports. Each country has its own standards. How are these determined? Each country sets its pesticide residue standards based on dietary habits. The residue amount is usually measured in ppm. For example, if rice is a staple food and commonly uses Pesticide A, the residual amount allowed in rice might be set at 30ppm. If tea, which is not a staple food, also uses Pesticide A, its residue limit might be set at 0.03ppm.
Simply put, each country has estimated how much pesticide an individual might consume daily and then distributed these amounts across our daily diets.

-Can the first brew of tea be discarded to wash away the pesticides?
It's difficult. Most pesticides used in tea are systemic and cannot be easily washed off with water. Just like how medication remains in our body after a bath, the pesticides remain in the tea.

-Is pesticide residue in tea dangerous?
Honestly, there's no need to worry. Each country has set its own standards for pesticide residue. As long as the food complies with these regulations, it is safe.

Reasonable use of pesticides, reducing their use further, and using them to strengthen tea plants are all part of the process. When the tea plant is healthy, it might not even need pesticides.
How to improve tea quality, enhance tea plantation management efficiency, while ensuring food safety and potentially having no pesticide residue, is our goal.

That's all for today's sharing. See you next time.

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