The Journey of Tea

The Art of Translation

The Art of Translation

Hello everyone,

I am Andy, a tea enthusiast.

Today, let's talk about "translation." Achieving a lifelike translation is quite challenging.

Literal translations between English and Japanese often bring a smile to our faces.

Here are some interesting English translations related to "tea" and "natural items" for your reference:

• 回甘 (Hui Gan): Aftertaste (a term commonly used in wine tasting)
• 蓋碗 (Gai Wan): Gai Wan (pronounced as "盖碗")
• 茶海 (Cha Hai): Cha Hai (pronounced as "茶海")
• 山羌 (Shan Qiang): Barking Deer (a deer that barks like a dog)
• 波羅蜜 (Bo Luo Mi): Jackfruit (many English words contain "jack")
• 轉盤 (Zhuan Pan): Lazy Susan (a revolving tray, unrelated to tea but interesting)

A spirit medium, often called "乩生" or "乩童" in photos,
is a person who can communicate with spirits or souls and convey their messages.
Therefore, the English translation is "spirit medium," where "medium" means an intermediary.
The Japanese translation is even more intriguing: "タンキ" (tanki),
directly transliterated from Taiwanese Hokkien, sounding like "當基" (dang ji),
which is a translation that brings a smile.
According to online searches, the translation for 乩生 should be "巫童" (ふどう, fudou).

By the way,
an elder who graduated from the Law Department of
National Taiwan University once took a French exam
by translating "Dream of the Red Chamber" into French.
Translation is fascinating and an art form in itself.
I hope everyone can find joy in translation.
That's all for today.

See you next time.

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