The Journey of Tea

Tea Room at the Airport – Tea Tasting Experience

Tea Room at the Airport – Tea Tasting Experience

Hello everyone,

I'm Andy, a tea enthusiast.

This time, our tea tasting events were held at both Taichung Airport and Kaohsiung Airport.

Participants explored the unique combinations of Taiwanese teas and personally tasted different flavors.

Here are a few interesting questions shared by airport visitors:

▶ What’s the difference between green tea, oolong tea, and Qing tea?

▶ Is light yellow tea soup green tea, and brown tea soup oolong tea?

▶ Should tea leaves be stored in the refrigerator?

▶ Do tea leaves expire?

▶ How should Taiwanese tea be brewed?

After the event, not only were visitors' questions answered,

but we also met a French journalist returning for National Day.

They found the tea knowledge fascinating and decided to arrange an interview.

Through these events, more people can learn about Taiwanese tea.

That’s all for today!

See you next time at the airport.

#yoshantea #taiwantea #oolongtea #teatasting #airportevents #FSSC22000 #safetea