Hello everyone,
I’m Andy, a tea enthusiast.
The “New Central Cross-Island Highway” is a road connecting the west (Nantou) to the east (Hualien).
During the Qing Dynasty, this road did not exist.
In 1874 (Tongzhi 13th year),
the Qing government implemented a policy called “Mountain Opening and Pacifying the Indigenous People.”
This policy allowed people to enter indigenous territories,
promoting interaction between mountain and plain areas.
The Qing government divided the effort into northern, central, and southern routes,
with General Wu Guangliang of Fujian Province in charge of the central route.
The path stretched from Linpupu in Zhanghua (modern-day Zhushan, Nantou) to Poshige in Hualien (modern-day Yuli).
The first cross-island road was the famous “Batongguan Ancient Trail.”
The phrase “Wan Nian Heng Qu” was inscribed by Wu Guangliang,
symbolizing the convenience and lasting benefits brought by the road's construction.
“Wan Nian Heng Qu” is located in the Phoenix Valley Bird Park.
If you visit in spring, you can enjoy cherry blossoms blooming in the nearby NTU Tea Plantation.
Afterward, stop by Yoshantea for a relaxing cup of tea before heading home.
I hope this information is helpful to you!
See you next time!
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