The Journey of Tea

Which Bottled Mineral Water is Best for Brewing Tea?

Which Bottled Mineral Water is Best for Brewing Tea?

Hello, everyone:

I'm Andy, a tea enthusiast.

The water you use for brewing tea is very important.

Using the right water allows you to bring out the balanced flavors of the tea.


• It is recommended to use water with a TDS level between 16 ppm and 124 ppm.

• Suitable bottled mineral water brands include:

Volvic, Paul Natural Water, Bonaqua Alkaline Water, Uni-President PH9.0 Alkaline Ionized Water, Taiyen Alkaline Ionized Water, Yes Mineral Water.

• Water with lower TDS tends to result in less flavorful tea and may emphasize astringency.

• Water with higher TDS produces stronger flavors but can also increase astringency.

• Alkaline water dulls the taste, reducing the tea's "vividness" and "refreshing qualities."

• Water with TDS below 60 ppm prevents tea from changing color easily.

• Water with TDS above 60 ppm may darken the tea's color the next day.

• Water with TDS at 319 ppm can create a surface film on the tea.

Experiment Procedure:

For this test, I used bottled mineral water and tap water.

• The same tea leaves were used (3g).

• Steeping time was 6 minutes.

• Brewed with boiling water at 100°C.

• TDS levels were measured using a TDS hardness pen.


• Low TDS (soft water): Tea color is light, and flavor is mild.

→ It tastes sweet but may feel empty and astringent.

• High TDS (hard water): Tea color is dark, and flavor is rich.

→ It tastes fuller but may feel cloudy and astringent.

What is TDS?

TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) measures the amount of dissolved solids in one liter of water (in milligrams).

A higher TDS value means the water contains more impurities.

This includes bicarbonates, chlorides, sulfates, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and other dissolved substances.

Definition of Soft and Hard Water:

• Soft water: 0–60 ppm

• Slightly hard water: 60–120 ppm

• Hard water: 120–180 ppm

• Very hard water: 181 ppm and above

I hope this information is helpful.

Wishing you all a healthy new year.

See you next time!

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